![]() (14 -17 November 1965) ![]() Following are entries pertaining to LZ X-Ray Battle extracted from the Daily Journal kept by G3 General Staff of the US I Field Force, stationed in Nha Trang, 14 November 1965 - 00:01H: 1st Cav (Capt Parham) – 3d Bde CP locations 3d Bde: ZA 197342, 1/21 Arty: ZA 197342, C/1/9 Cav: AR 805470, C/8 Eng: ZA 197342, 1/7 Cav: ZA 165073, A/1/7: ZA 155991, B/1/7: ZA 197342, C/1/7: ZA 135008, D/1/7 ZA 165073, 2/7 Cav: ZA 193929, A/2/7: ZA 183928, B/2/7: 178916, C/2/7: ZV 209912, D/2/7: ZV 183929, 2/5 Cav: ZA 022033, A/2/5: ZA 025018, B/2/5: ZA 024035, C/2/5: ZA 055006, D/2/5: ZA 024035, A/2/19 Arty: ZA 201342, A/2/21 Arty: ZA 161006, B/1/21 Arty: Z 201342, A/1/21 Arty: ZA 161006, B/1/21 Arty: ZV 173927, C/1/21 Arty: ZA 022033. - 09:45H: 1st Cav (Maj Spence) request SITREP on 3rd Bde (opn Silver Bayonet) Opn in progress no contact repeated at this time. - 11:45H: 1st Cav (Lt Col Hemphill) 1/7 Cav currently moving into Obj line YA 940020 A and B/1/7 closed into line at 1015 and 1112 hours respectively. A/1/21 Arty closed in to area Falcon 140945 Nov C/2/5 closed ZV 034992 at 1058H. B/2/5 discovered freshly dug foxholes with underground extensions which show indications at having been recently used vic ZA 048038. Order is currently being transmitted outlining plans for operations in this area. Info was not included opn in last nights SITREP but will be corrected ASAP. - 12:10H: 1st Cav (Lt Brown) At 141115 1/7 reports cap of one PAVN prisoner and his full equip. Pris has no weapon. Cap vic YA 937011 obj line. VCC claims his entire Bn is in the vic of LIME (YA 937011) says he has eaten only bananas for the last five days and unit moral is very low. At 141145 A/O obs approx. 20 persons along the road at line of hill vic BR 719820 disappeared into wood line. Outside TAOR. B/2/5 discovered freshly dug foxholes w/underground extensions which indications of having been recently used vic ZA 048058. An order is currently being trans without lining plans for Opns in this area Inform 1st Cav to report on inter. (PAVN unit) and to keep up w/loc of the VCC. - 14:10H: 1st Cav (Capt Cook) A,B and D/1/7 loc at obj line reported contact with est VC BN. TAC air, ARA and as much Arty that can cover area is firing C and Hq of 1/7 at Falcon. A of 1/21 Arty loc at Falcon, LZ for 1/7 is YA 938010. - 14:25H: 1st Cav (Lt Temple) 1 AIE A/C shot down by heavy ground fire at YA 943020 time 141400H Initial rpt is pilot did not get out. - 15:00H: 1st Cav (Lt Temple) Ref engagement at YA 937011, est Bn of regular PAVN troops in uniform and steelpots against 1/7 element 20 VC KIA (BC) 18 frdy WIA. - DASC – ALO reported thru Air request rpt that an unk unit had 1 KIA 18 WIA all US plus 20 VC KIA (BC) vic YA 943020. - 15:40H: 1st Cav Fwd (Capt Brady) all elem 1/7 Cav closed 1515hours. - Delayed entry 15:30H: 1st Cav (Lt Temple) Spot Rept 7th is presently being pushed back by VC. A/2/5th is reported to be on the way. One other Co may be committed. One HU1B of 229th AH Bn was shot down vic YA 938011. 1520H no injuries crew has been evac. Area too hot to evac copter. 3 more aircraft hit by ground fire at ame loc but continue mission. All 229 AH Bn is at Plei Me ready to lift 2/5th. - 16:10H: 1st Cav (Capt Parham) At 1515H CO of 1/7 stated the VC KIA is est at 70. The initial attack came from the south west from the mountains. - 16:10H: 1st Cav (Lt Temple) 1453H A/1/77 Arty fired on AW at BR 66766. AW was neutralized. - 16:20H: FFV Adv (Maj Boyle) 1/7 Cav all elem in contact in Line. A 2/5 Cav moving on and to line B/C 2/5 Cav likely to move by air to line. Apparently LZ is clear as Med Evac is in progress, 18 WIA Frdy. VC wearing helments-POW-2d Bn 101st Regt those people did not wear helmets when we had previous contact. 1/7th Cav CO estimates at least 70 VC KIA in one plat area BC of 20. A & C 2 elem of 1/21 Arty in action loc ZA 024036. 2/5 just picked up another POW outside of line area. Frd Air drop – 20 loads 1 A1 w/pilot shot down AW fire. No ID VC units. Are going to try to move 1/21 Arty Fwd/. - 16:45H: 1st Air Cav (Capt Parker) 1/7 still in contact w/VC a little NW of LZ “X” at YA 938011. Alpha (+) is moving toward alone LZ by foot Charlie is at Falcon. They are prepared to move to LZ as situation indicates. BD and Century CP are prepared to move and assist. At present Alpha is at YA 964888. Fm G2: VC wearing steel pots VCC stayed at ZA 023031. Being evac to Bde reports to be from 101 Regt. Has a Russian Assault Rifle. - 17:00H: 1st Cav – B Co of 2/7 Bn is airborne to LZ X-Ray. The enemy that 1st Bn 7th is in contact with is a hard corps PAVN elem of est Bn and fighting like hell. - 18:50H: 1st Air Cav Div (Lt Col Buham) Gen Kinnard discussed with Gen Larsen the possibility of having a B-52 strike in the Long Reach area “X” Gen Larsen was in favor of this. The following info is furnished. On 4 Nov Enemy Bn confirmed vic YA8205, assumed to be moving south. Know secret base “Chupony” vic YA 9000. On 6 Nov had secondary explosion vic YA 8703 as result of Air strike. 12.7mm AA fire received from these guns vic YA 8803. On 14 Nov from line YA 9399 est 1 VC regt ID elem of 2 Bn attaching to W in determined effort using human wave tactics. This confirms Cav to believe they are defending something big – something Cav should hit – such as supply base a hold up forces. VC cap in this area were wearing steel helmets-POW have ID their unit as 66th Regt 304th Div. Cav would like to get going in request for B-52 strike knowing the time frame. If Cav can help to develop target they are ready and will provide the help we need. This has been passed to G2 and G3 air. G3 Air (Capt Green) recommended CG consider requesting a div of a planned strike to bring in a strike. - 18:55H: 1st Cav (Maj Anderson) This is an unofficial report to let FFV know that something is possibly happening: One elem of 1/7 has a platoon that has taken heavy Cas and is loc about 3-400 meters from nearest friendly elem. - 19:45H: FFV – II Corps (Maj Boyle) One VCC arrived II Corps HQ at 1830. B of 2/7 closed by lime w/Shudder A and C of 2/5 located at YV 965998, 3 more VCC have been brought in to 3d Bde CP all three were wounded one of them reported that he was from the 6th Bn 66th Regt. The flare ship will be in the area all night. Arty will be firing all night TACT air plans to work the way to the rear of the VC positions tonight. - 19:55H: 1st Cav DTOC (Lt Temple) Total of 2 UHID at YA 938010 shot down at 1200H. 2 WIA (slight) No other Cas. No attempt will be made to secure aircraft until 15 Nov. Both A/C vic 1/7 Cav CP. 1/7 Still in contact at 1900H. frdy Cas area Lime: 8 KIA, 18 WIA. - 21:00H: 1st Cav (Capt Parker) Last light Wrap Up from 1st Air Cav Div rec’d at 143015H Nov. The VC force is est at 2 or 3 PAVN Bn or the PAVN Regt 1/7 Cav est 70 VC KIA actual BC is 20KIA. As of 141800H Nov Cav has 8 KIA and 18 WIA however an actual count is not available as of 1418000H Nov 1/7 Cav still has contact. B/2/7 Cav closed into LZ X ray at 140739H Nov A(-) 2/5 Cav closed into blocking position at 141645H Nov. C/2/5 Cav moved by Air and closed into blocking position with A(+) 2/5 Cav at 141755H Nov In vic obj LIME all elem of 1/7 Cav plus B/2/7 Cav. Tonight will have TAC air, Arty and flare ship. 2 VC PWO identify their unit as 66th regt, 304th Div. Cav plans to hold VC in position and believes VC are trying to maintain contact. 2 Arty Bty in position – adequate coverage. Cav lost 2 UH1D – 2 crew men. Lightly wounded. No other Cas – all evac will attempt to evac AC on 15 Nov. At 1745 hours elem of 1/7 cav reported est 100 VC vic YA 941020 took under Arty fire. Cav has requested a B-52 strike vic Chupong Secret base ASAP. They are working on targets and hope to have info in to FFV in about 1 hour. Col Barrow explains to Col Buchan that because of the lead time required we may not be able to have strikes in time. - 21:00H: 1st Air Cav (Capt Parham) Coord for B-52 strike in Code – YA 870000, YA 830000, YA 830070, YA 870070. - 21:00H: 1st Air Cav (Capt Parham) Alt Target for B-52 strikes (in Code) YA 8607, YA 9007, YA 9000, YA 8600. Target area approved by Col Barrow and Col McCord. - 21:30H: G2 LNO (Maj Foyle) Initial interrogation Report: VCC taken 14 Nov in area LIME Total 5 VCC. Cap at 1115H unit02d Bn 101st PAVN regt. Under interrogation II Corps, Cap at 1530H at ZA 025032-101st PAVN Regt. Under interrogation at 3d Bde CP 1st Air Cav Div Approximately 1630H one wounded stated unit to be 9th Bn 66th Regt, 304th PAVN div Under interrogation at camp Holloway. 4 stated his unit 9/66/320th PAVN. 5 is a cook and states he doesn’t know what unit he was assigned to Under interrogation at CP, 3d Bde 3 and 4 said they had been in country about 1 month. One VCC had CHICOM SKS rifle. 15 November 1965 - 01:30H: 1st Cav (Capt Brady) VC broke contact at 0045H. Frd cas 1/7 KIA 3, WIA 33, 2/5 WIA 10. None of wounded are serious. - 01:50H: MACV Sgt Spinabella – No frd trps West of YA 93, East box grid line target: YA 900048, YA 871057, YA 894029, YA 865038. Est time over tgt 151600H. Final time over tgt will follow. - 02:15H: G3 TOC – Passed message (entry 01:50H) fm MACV to 1 ACD. - 04:45H: MACV Sgt Spinabella – Question: 1) HQ and C/1/7 Cav and C/2/5 Cav, B/2/7 vic area LIME. HQ and C/7 vic Falcon. Yes. 2) Air sorties flown since contact began 141350H? 55. - 05:10H: 1st Cav (Capt Brady) 13 ambush sqd size, no contact. B/1/7 receiving probe west of the perimeter. Artillery being called at this time. No frd cas. - 06:00H: MACV Capt McCabe – Ref Arclight tgt, TOT is 151600H. - 1st Cav (Capt Brady) 150310H CH-47 belonging to A 228th ASH Bn crashed due to machine difficulty at vic Stadium. A/C being secured, 3 injured, damage to craft unk at this time. - 1st Cav (Capt Brady) C/1/7 as of 0700H receiving heavy SA and AW fire and sporadic mortar fire vic LZ Xray YA 940010. C/1/7 can only confirm 1 VC plt. Called in arty and air strike. - 07:40H: 1st Air Cav Div – B/2/5 being committed to assist at landing zone X (ZA 940010). LZ being attacked fm 3 sides, S, NE, E. Est 3 VC co’s. - 10:30H: MAVC J3 (Gen DePuy) Gen DePuy called Col Barrow and asked if Arc Light had been cleared with CG II Corps. Col Barrow replied yes, CG II Corps has approved Arc Light. Also Gen DPuy wanted to know if the elem of 1st Cav had received the 151600H restriction on not going west of YA grid line. Col Barrow informed Gen De Puy that the 1st Cav had acknowledged receipt of the restriction and would comply. Gen DePuy personally changed target configuration. Gen DePuy stated that this is the fastest a strike of this nature had ever been laid-on. - 11:15H: 1st Cav (Capt Cooke) Elem of 3d Bde still in contact as of 1400. Est 3 VC Co’s. Situation relatively the same. TAC Air, Arty and ARA still hitting the En – En cas: KIA 23 (BC) 71 (Est) 5 VCC, 2 VCS. - 11:45H: To: 1st Cav (Capt Coller) 1st Cav inquired on whether 1st Cav has any objections on new target area as changed by J-2 MACV. Ref: Secret Message AVCGT 1511651XF DT 6417052Z. 1st Cav stated they are quite satisfied particularly with the reaction time. - 11:50H: 1st Cav (Capt Cooke) no change 1200 SITREP 70 (BC) KIA VC, B/1/7 count of VC, LZ half moon: 1/7 positions are loc fr LZ X in a Half Moon going north West to So West all facing to the West. - 12:15H: 1st Cav (Capt Cooke) A/2/5 killed 2 VC vic YA 946004 VC were snipers no US Cas. At 1155 South West portion of LZ X Ray being attacked by est VC Plt. - 12:42H: G2 LNO II Corps (Maj Boyle) A and B 2/7 are in X Ray A B and C of 2/5 800 meters east of X Ray at 1130H. LZ of 1/21 Arty going into MACON C & D Hq 2/7 into MACON, C started 1120 for Macon. Tomorrow one other Arty Bty will move to Macon. LZ Victor YV 965994. - 12:45H: II Corps/1st Cav Fwd (Maj Boyle) Of the 5 VCC cap yesterday in vic area Lime one (WIA) states he is from 9/66/304 Div. The other one states he is from 8/66/320? (Possible while in NVN) states one Bn in defensive position. WIA (BCC) states his unit is fwd of Lighting – no food for 3 days, short of ammo. Down to 3 rds per rifle, 50 rds per SKS; 300-500 rds per AR; 3 rds per 40 mm AT wpn. Bn has some AA but not much (also pilots not reporting much AA in this area) POW’s are Pvt’s. Have 4 more VCC fr area X Ray (YA 935010) VC (BC) bod y count total for yesterday and today 103, est 370 in addition. - 13:14H: FFV Adv (Maj Boyle) Correction of loc of area Falcon (encoded) ZA 025035. A & C of 1/21 Arty will not go to area Victor until 16 Nov. 2/5 elem made contact with elem of 1/7 at 151245H. - 14:50H: 1st Cav (Capt Cooke) 2/12 hauled 8,400 lbs rice out of the 14,000 lbs, cap last night vic obj X-Ray Opn Corn. - 14:45H: FFV Adv (Maj Boyle) POW report: 1. 18yr old Pvt vic YA 935005 14 Nov 65, states unit morale low – lacks of food and med supply. Other captive states this man is the political leader of the unit. Pvt is using cover story. 2. 20 yr old plt Sgt 2d Bn 101st ZA 028043 cap 14 Nov 65 states ˝ of his Bn sick. Unit used as reserve at Bloi Me. 2 months in route lack med supply and food. 3 18 yr old PFC 8th Bn 66 Regt 1 of 10 left behind because they were sick. States his Co on way to Atk US unit. 66th Regt has 6, 7, 8, 9 Bn. - 16:00H: To: MACV (Sgt Glennon) Ref: Questions fr MACV. 1. Frdy Cas, 3 KIA, 49 WIA, 2. Code name and loc of unit attached to 11 Avn Gp (no units attached). 3. Loc of 2/5 HQ and C- Hq, Falcon, C, previously rept. 4. Loc of 2/7, 5. Loc of C/1/9 (AR 805472) 6. C/8th Eng (Stadium) 7. Hq & B/1/21 Arty Hq – Stadium, B, Macon. - 16:30H: To: 1st Cav (Capt Parker) Request info on status on 2/7 and 1/5 movement: Ans. (Cook) A/1/5 began move to MACON at 1345. No closing time available. The remaining of 1/5 Cav began movement to Stadium by land at 1455. No closing time available. Was not aware the 2/7 was moving. A/B/D and fwd CP of 2/5 Cav are at X Ray. C/A of 1/21 Arty are at Falcon and B/1/21 is moving there now. C/2/17 Arty is at Stadium with A/2/19 Arty and 1/21 Arty Bn CP. Request info on plans for exploitation of Air strike, Ans, no info available. From Parham: 1/5 Cav has one contact picking up 2 VCS who were evacuated. The unit rec’d their Warning order to move at 0900 this morning. - 16:55H: 1st Cav Fwd – Request SITREP for X-Ray and units at that location. Ans: Light SA fire, mostly sniper fire. 2/7, 1/7 and 2/5 (-) D Co are at X-Ray. D/2/5 is at Falcon. No info on airstrike. - 17:10H: FFV Adv (Maj Boyle) Area X-Ray: All of 1/7, A & B/2/7, all of 2/5. Area Falcon: 1/7 recon and 2/5 Rear, A, B & C/1/21 Arty. Proposed location for C/2/17 Arty, YA 973027. 1/5 closing into Stadium shortly. At X-Ray, encountering light spasmodic sniper fire, no sniper contact, are probing battle area for bodies and weapons. - 17:15H: 1s Cav Fwd (Maj Sandburn) A/1/5 closed Falcon at 1630H. One element (Co) is at Stadium, remainder are still enroute. - 18:00H: FFV Adv (Maj Boyle) Fm Maj Turner – No exploitation before 1st light, plans being formulated now. Turner hopes to return with plans after supper. KIA (BC) for 15 Nov only: 244. 1/7 Cav est 345 KIA. Air and Arty est 600-700 KIA, No info on B-52 strike. - 18:15H: FFV Adv (Maj Boyle) Passed fm 1 Cav (Gen Kinnard): Elements of 1/9 Cav Sqdn went into the airstrike (arclite) target area this afternoon. - 18:50H: 1st Air Cav (Capt Parham) Maj Chuckmoon at Pleiku Sector: At 1721 Hrs, VN operating radio relay point (sqd size) south of Pleiku (AR 7736) rec’d fire fm passing 1 Cav elements, no injuries. It was reported to FWD and no problem exists. - 18:55H: 1st Cav (Lt Temple) 1) Results of VC KIA: 244 VC KIA (BC); 2/7 Cav est additional 345 VC KIA. Est 600-700VC KIA by air and arty. 2) Arc light bombing strike 1602H-1632H, area YA 8607, 9007, 8600, 9000; all aircraft on target except one whose load dropped in general area, YA 8015, 8215, 8212, 8412, results being investigated. 3) 2/5 Cav CP (YA 934007) in position around hill mass to SW. C/2/5 is on left, A/2/5 is in center, B/2/5 is on right. A VCC reported 100 VC dug in on top of Hill 542 at YA 925003. Arty has been advised. Had 16 leaflets fm drop last night. VCC reported VC had plenty of ammo and were well armed. Each one had 2-4 grenades but little food. Ref 16 leaflets were propaganda dropped last night. - 19:00H: 1st Cav (L/C Buchan) Target completely covered; best coverage he had seen; one rack of bombs out of target area vic YA 820122-808142, cords not accurate. Between 1700-1730 had Mohawk photo coverage and aerial recon, smoke too thick to observe target area; 1st light 16 Nov will have recon in area. Cav plans to request another strike, will call info to FFV by 2000. Not an immediate, II Corps will make similar request for same area. Mohawk photo now in lab. - 19:25H: 1st Air Cav (Capt Parham) Photo interpretation of area bombed is currently being processed as of 1900H, will give final wrapup of interpretation NLT 160700H Nov. - 19:35H: 1st Cav (Lt Temple) Ref 229 AH Bn with 3d Bde: The 2 HU1D’s shot down yesterday vic YA 938010 have been recovered at 151345H, no incidents during recovery opn. 1 HU1D fm 229 AH Bn hit at 151015H while in LZ X-Ray, recovered at 151500H, returned to Holloway. - 19:45H: FFV Adv (Maj Boyle) 2/5 CP & D at YA 934006; A/2/5 at YA 937000; B/2/5 at YA 933005; C/2/5 at YA 927010; All 1/7 and A & B/2/7 at Area X-Ray; A/1/5 at YA 974035; C/1/5 and A, B & C/1/21 Arty at Falcon; B & D/1/5, C/1/17 Arty and A/2/19 Arty at Stadium; C/2/17 Arty is supposed to move to area of A/1/5 tomorrow. C & D/2/7 moved to YA 927035. - 19:45H: MACV (Lt Gregg) UPI Reports: US planes mistakenly dropped Napalm on frd troops injuring 2 US soldiers today (15 Nov), Ques: Has FFV rec’d any such report? Could it have been on Silver Bayonet. - 20:00H: 1st Air Cav (Capt Parham) This morning during battle at SW portion of Obj Lime the VC were almost face to face with frd forces. TAC Air was called in close, pilot dropped Napalm, wounding two soldiers, one is serious. 3d Bde CO says it was not an AF error. It was a close situation. Pilot was on target. - 20:15H: 1 Cav (Maj Crawford) Post strike report: Aerial recon conducted 151700-1800. VC due to strike, no bodies visible, no fires found, no installation observed, no civilian or civilian structures observed. Bom craters appeared 20-50 ft in diameter and 5-10 ft deep. Many trees blown down, Trees close to bomb craters leaning and stripped of foliage. Unit at scene reports seeing 3.50 cal MG psn that had been firing at aircraft were directly in path of strike. Psns apparently destroyed. Will be checked further when ground recon is made. Post strike conducted by the unit resulted in camera malfunction. No photos. Another msn will be flown early tomorrow. - 20:40H: 1st Air Cav (Capt Parham) Request for arclight NLT 17 Nov, preferred 16 Nov. Primary YA 830050, YA 850050, YA 843000; Alternate: YV 890980, YV 910980, YV 890950, YV 910950. In approx. 2 hrs a FLASH TWX will follow request. - 20:55H: 1st Cav (Maj Crawford) New body count for 3d Bde: 353 KIA (BC), 945 KIA (Est), 10 VCC (PAVN). Helmets previously reported as steel were pith hat. Some documents on hand taken from body of a Lt not yet processed. Info to follow. - 21:00H: (1st Cav LNO, Maj Turner) You are to return to Pleiku at 1st light 16 Nov with bed roll prepared to stay as info relay link between Cav and FFV. Keep the info coming until this action quiets down. - 21:05H: 1st Cav (Col Beaty) Lt Col Moore will arrive Saigon 1130 in morning (to brief Gen DePuy) - 21:45H: 1st Air Cav (Capt Parham) Frd casualties for 15 Nov: 74 KIA, 78 WIA. - 23:10H: MACV (Sgt Spinabella) MACV states they heard a plt was surrounded today and hit by VC hard. L/C Hemphill stated that a plt of B/1/7 Cav was cut off fm Bn for 20 hours, however, Bn was in commo at all time w/element. Plt put up a good fight and by morning counted 70 VC bodies outside plt perimeter. Frd casualties: 8 KIA, 17 WIA, plt original strength, 29. 16 November 1965 - 01:55H: 1st Air Cav (Capt Brady) 1/7th Cav just rept killing 8 VC infiltrators at LZ X ray. - 04:10H: MACV (Sgt Spinabella) Questions asked: Closing times of two elem of 1/5? Ans: 151800H. Where are C & D of 2/7? Ans: 1000 meters North of Lime. Plans for today? Ans: continue to Atk. What are the elem of 1/21 Equip with? 105mm How. - 04:45H: 1st Air Cav (Capt Brady) Wrap Up 0500, 5 ambush Sqd size no contact. Last contact was reported in at 160130. - 05:30H: 1st Air Cav (Capt Brady) At 060440 1/7 rec’d an attack by est 2 VC Co’s 2/7 called into assist. - 06:45H: 1st Air Cav (Capt Brady) B 2/7 VC moved around to get into position for attak as B/1/7 Arty fired on them and broke it up. Returned to area of B/2/7 up, and attacked in waves same as yesterday. Est Bn. - 07:15H: To: 1st Air Cav (Capt Brady) Question: If second B-52 strike approved does Cav plan to exploit? – 0715 Answer from Capt Brady. – yes if not overly committed and if sufficient day light left. - 08:30H: 1st Cav (Maj Anderson) 1. What are plans for Exploitation of yesterday’s strike? 2. Does 1st Cav plan to commit another Bn. For a total of 5 in Plei Me area? If so we need to know ASAP. 3. If primary tgt for today is approved what are plans for exploitation? Approval of plan is pending on above answers. - 09:15H: 1st Cav (Maj Anderson) Ref: exploitation of Arclight Tgt. Commander on the ground had plans to send in 1st Cav however at present all units are engaged. When En vic Points X Ray and Lime are defeated. 1/9 will make recon of area. If a stronger force is needed another unit will reinforce. No results of the first light recon. No results. - 09:45H: 1st Cav G2 (Capt Collier) the official VC Cas count from 1800 14 Nov to 1800H 15 Nov 65. 233 KIA (BC) 345 (Est) 600 WIA (est), spot reports during the day will be different from the official total which will not be confirmed until around 0600H each morning. - 09:45H: 1st Cav (Maj Anderson) 2/7 continuing to swap LZ X Ray elem of C 2/7 and 1 unit of 1/5 closed on X Ray at 0916H. 1/5 reports rec’d SA fire at 0920H. Currently elem of 3d Bde vic X Ray sweeping Area. Major attack VC initiated size unk. At area Xray. 2/5 elem under heavy attack. 1/9 elem going to conduct post strike evaluation as soon as situation permits. - 10:30H: II Corps Maj Boyle – 1 PAVN PFC of 7/66 in country 15 days, 1 week in Pleiku prov units first contact (cap 15 Nov). Total of 16 VCC for 14-15 Nov. Two prisoners say they are fm old 304 Div which is new 325 Div. - 10:45H: To 1st Cav Maj Anderson – Passed on MACV query on VC casualties for 1800 13 Nov – 1800 14 Nov. Ans 23 KIA. Maj Anderson states VC WIA are resisting US evacuation. Suggests Psywar action in this area. - 11:00H: 1st Cav Adv Maj Boyle – At 0735 2/7 killed 8 VC (BC), est 100 KIA in area. 1/7 and B/2/7 to be extracted to camp Holloway when contact with enemy is broken. No time estimated. As of 0812 C/2/7 moved to Xray, area Xray will be expanded and extract 1/7 and B/2/7 by Huey to area Falcon. Move by road to Holloway. At 0920 1/5 was under atk by unk number of VC fm SW. At 1007 2/7 and 1/5 sweeping area XRay, attacking VC. B/2/7 held up by sniper fire, will break loose and continue to atk. D/1/9 at Stadium eff 1010. A/1/5 located at Columbus. Reference Turner – What are his instructions? He is to remain at Bde location until told to return by FFV. He is representing the FFV G3. He can return to FFV to pickup any gear he needs and return. - 11:35H: 1st Cav Maj Turner – (Encoded) – Present plan extract 1/7 and B/2/7 today, then pull back 2000 meters to defensive position. After ARC tomorrow will follow plan TURNER gave you last night. - 12:00H: C/1/7 extracted from LZ XRay at 161145H. Msg fm FFV Fwd TOC Maj Boyle. - 12:00H: 1st Cav Maj Boyle- 1/5, A is at XRay. B and D and CP is at Columbus. C is at Falcon. - 12:00H: 1st Cav Capt Cook – 1 sqd A of 1/9 was engaged and extracted, arty being called in and at 1135 hrs, 1/9 reports 4 KIA VC, huts in area burning vic BR 383617, also observed a couple of people running around. 1/7 has command responsibility for all units atX. They 1/7 reports many VC KIA in area. - 12:00H: 1st Cav Capt Collier – 161130 results of interrogation with 8 VCC: 3 of the 8 stated that they are from 9th Bn 66th Regt, and that the 9th Bn is composed of Co’s, C-11, C-12 , C-13. 5 of the 8 VCC stated they are fm the 101 Regt. Following the Plei Me action with 3d Bde last week the 2d and 3d Bn w/d to the west. These two Bn’s formed a composite Bn now called the 2d Bn, 101st Regt. At 1145 total VC cas fm 3d Bde from 141245 to 152400. VC KIA (BC) 465, VC KIA (Est) 1053, VC WIA (Est) 208, VCC 16, Indiv wpns cap – 70, Crew served cap – 14. Atks by VC on 14 Nov and early 15 Nov and 16th appear to be Co size atks. Initially the est of VC forces in the area were 3 Bns of the 66th Regt and 1 Bn of the 101 (Composite) Bn. Est of VC forces still in the area. 1 Bn and 2 Co and some heavy wpns with a possibility of another composite Bn. - 12:35H: FFV TOC Maj Murray to 3d Bde Adv 1st Cav – Ref your last msg. 3000 meter withdrwal. My 6 called your 6 who said no such plans, plans to remain and also to go into yesterday’s strike area. If the situation has changed and withdrawal necessary suggest you contact your 6 as “He is on the spot” notify this HQ ASAP of decision. - 12:45H: 1st Cav Capt Cook – C/1/7 now on way to Falcon. - 12:53H: MACV Maj Kirky – Kirby – I have just talked to the big 6 (Gen Westmoreland). He wanted to know if everything was ok with the Cav, did they have enough air and are troops ok. Ans: To the best of our knowledge and believe yes. Should anything occur you will be notified. - 12:57H: 1st Cav Maj Turner – The last info (3000 meter w/d) was correct it is a long range plan. We have so much on the ground, that it will take a little time but they plan to move up on high ground to the east (from the bottom of the saucer to the eastern rim) but, whatever our 6 said we will do. I have not talked to 6 yet, perhaps he is unaware of these plans. The Bde also plans to send an element to MACON. Maybe I should not pass any more info to you. I am in the way here and tie up commo. But these are the plans as of now, will let you know outcome. - 14:00H: Fm G3 TOC SP Howell to 1st Cav Capt Cook – (Encoded) Ref MAC msg – Pull back 3000 meters. General Larsen spoke to Gen Kinnard. Kinnard said no plans to pull back. Elements are going to investigate arclite area bombed yesterday. Suggest you touch base with Kinnard for verification of plans. Notify this HQ ASAP of plans. - 15:00H: 1st Cav Capt Collier – As of 1400 VC forces involved Plei Me are the 7, 8 and 9 Bn, of 66th Regt. Div to which regiment is subordinate is unk. Personnel of the 66th were trained by 304 Div. DRVN. Several VC claim their Div to be 325th in-country. Est strength as of 14 ov for the 66th Regt is 2160. Strength of composite Bn of the 101st, strength 600, the VC’s will for fight has lessened but they are still continuing to press the atk, despite losses from, arty, air and Inf. - 15:35H: MACV Maj O’Neil – What is the status of arclight #1745 Sphinx 160325Z. Ans: Currently being staffed at MACJ 237. II Corps CG concurs with msg number 1745. - 15:35H: 1st Cav Maj Custer – Request fm Gen Kinnard Status of Arclite requests? One in processing at MACV. CG has approved. Most recent (161520) being processed in this HQ. Gen Kinnard request the latest be afforded highest priority although previous request stand. Hunter is with Kinnard and concurs on target and priority. - 16:20H: 1st Air Cav (Capt Parham) Frd losses 151800H Nov KIA 56, WIA 63 (34 of which were evac) Cumulative since AM of 14 Nov 161620. KIA 77, WIA 117. - 16:25H: Fm TOC to MACV – Arclight request YV 932985, YV 936996, YA 898005, YA 898019. TOT 171300, Not later than 171700. - 16:30H: 1st Cav – 1/9 rpt’d one UH1D down at vic YA 856052. Med evac and gunships on way. No further info at this time. - 16:50H: Fm G2 LNO Maj Boyle - To G2 1st Air Cav Div. Est that elements of 66th PAVN Regt and 101 PAVN Regt contacted by 3d Bde 1st Air Cav Div vic area Lime. Their estimated strength (to include support and command and control elements) is approx. 3,000. Subordination of units undertermined. VC losses: 16 Nov 65: KIA (BC) 377, KIA (est) 100, Cumulative since beginning of opn 14 Nov. KIA (BC) 869, KIA (Est) 1153. - 17:00H: 1st Cav Maj Anderson – Request for plans and locations. XRay 2/5, XRay A/B 2/7, MACON 2/7 (-), Columbus A/1/5, C/2/17, B/1/21, Falcon 1/7, A & C/1/21, C/1/5, Stadium 3d Bde 1/5 (-), a/21 (-), A/1/19, C/8 Engr. No info on plans at this time. - 18:50H: II Corp (Capt McConnell) CG II Corps does concur with Arclite. - 18:55H: 1st Cav Maj Anderson – 1/21st reports unk number VC atk Stadium. Report 3 est VC KIA and sporadic fire additional info will be provided. - 19:05H: 1st Air Cav (Capt Parham) Spot Rep 2/5 Cav reports one sniper shot out of tree vic LZ X Ray. 19:55H: 1st Air Cav (Capt Parham) sporadic fire at area Stadium and sporadic sniper fire area X Ray. - 20:25H: G-3 1st Air Cav (Capt Parham) Ref Arc Light MACV advises 3 KM minimum separation target area and frdy troops. Request info this HQ ASAP if 3KM separation can be guaranteed and minimum lead time necessary to provide separation. Fr TOC Lt Bol Benton. - 20:40H: 1st Air Cav (Capt Parham) CO 3d Bde 1st Cav can meet 3KM separation necessary Arc light and frdy troops by time specified in Msg. 22:45H: 1st Air Cav (Capt Parham) request for SITREP at current loc. Stadium is quiet. Only an occasional sporadic round at X Ray. Will forward locations soon. There is nothing significant to report. - 22:45H: 1st Air Cav (Capt Parham) Call to say that B-52 Targets Number 34, 35, 36 are OK and Troops will meet 3km safety limits -1st Air Cav will notify this HQ Units move not safety limit. - 23:10H: II Corps (Maj Sanabria) Maj Sanabria call to pass concurrence of CG ARVN II Corps on B-52 targets 34, 35, and 36 for 17 Nov. 17 November 1965 - 02:00H: 1st Cav (sp Lavelo) 1/7, B/2/7, C/1/9 at Camp Holloway. 3d Bde CP, 1/5 rear minus CP /21 arty minus CP, A/2/19, C/8 Eng 1/21 and elem of 229 AH Bn loc at stadium. All of 2/7 except B Company, all 2/5 and A/1/5 are at YA 940010 1/5 fwd CP, B/1/5, D/1/5 and 2/17 Arty CP minus, C/2/17 and B/1/21 Arty at YA 975035, A/1/21 Arty C/1/21, and C/1/5 loc ZA 020030. - 03:00H: 1st Cav (Sp 4 Smith) At 160730H a UH1D departed area Stadium to return to camp Holloway for maintenance. At 170015 it was determined after a local search of area that heli was missing 3 Personnel aboard. At first light search will continue. -04:20H: MACV (Sgt Spinabella) Questions 1st Cav? 1. In contact if not when broken? Any anticipated troop movements today? Any new Cas? - 05:20H: To MACV (Sgt Spinabella) Wrap Up to MACV on position of 1st Cav. (Shutter) 1/7, B 2/7 C/1/9 at Holloway. 3d Bde 1/5 minus CP, 1/21 Arty CP, A 1/77 Arty, C/8th Eng Bn and elem of 229th AH Bn all at Stadium. 2/7 Cav except B 2/5 and A/1/5 are at YA 9410010 1/5 Fwd CP, 1/5 Co B, D/1/5, 2/17 CP minus 2/17 YA 975035. 161750 actual contact broken. - 08:00H: 1st Cav (Capt Brady) 170300 Hu1-D was reported down or lost by 1st Cav. But this morning they found it Park “OK” on end of air strip. No people missing (Correct log). - 09:00H: 1st Air Cav (Capt Ortner) Arc light for 1300 TOT 18 Nov requested NLT 1300 Nov 65: Priority 1. 9201-9401-9298-0408. Priority 2. 9099-9299-9096-9296. Priority 3. 8306-8506-8303-8503. - 09:30H: 1st Cav (Capt Cook) 2/7 moved to Makin 0910 2/5 moved to Columbus 0900. - 10:30H: 1st Cav (Capt Cook) At 0945 2/5 located vic YA 952025 at 0942 B/1/5 rec’d sniper fire vic YA 975044. No frdy Cas En unk. - 1st Cav (Capt Cook) 2/7 Cav located at YA 946035 and 950038. 2/5 Cav loc at YA 964066 and 950024. - 12:30H: 1st Cav Maj Anderson – KIA (BC) 870, EST KIA 1261, WIA EST 369, VCC 16. This is an accumulative total for opn Silver Bayonet as of 170001H. - 13:45H: fm MACV Maj Morris – Question fm CG: Were all the bombs in the designated target areas. Was TAC Air used in conjunction with the air strike. Ans: Will have to wait for results fm 1st Cav Div, will call as soon as we know. - 14:10H: 1st Cav Maj Sandburn – Arc light complete at 1212 hrs. All A/C bombed within 3 designated areas. Bom Damage Assessment being conducted by Cav elements. Will notify TOC as soon as info is available. No immediate exploitation planned, CG will conduct a conference at 1500 to plan exploitation. - 14:20H: 1st Cav Capt Cook – 2/7 Cav receiving mortar fire vic YA 940040 at 171330 hrs. Mortar fire fm 3 sides and also AW fire. Elements of 2/5 Cav have been alerted to standby. ARA is hitting the enemy at this time 171350. - 14:44H delayed entry – 1st Cav Capt Parham – Mortar atk vic Albany, 1425 still under fire. There is some WIA, med evac has been called in. 1/5 has been alerted to assist. Psn Macon is YA 936052, psn Sananah is YA 943050, psn Albany is YA 942042. - 15:00H: 1st Cav Maj Turner – Units in Lime area are receiving mortar rds and SA fire. No plan for major movement of 1st Cav units for approx. 48 hrs. B-52 strike right on tgt. No BDA, area still hot for entry. -15:35H; 1st Cav Wrap up – Base area, 1 incident, aircraft firing 1030 within picket line, no cas. 3d Bde 0715H, 1 VC surrendered at YA 9704. 0825H – YA 978042 5th Cav killed 1 VC (BC) on S and C msn. 0950H YA 975044 5th Cav receiving sniper fire, no cas. 1157H – YA 943043, 2/7 Cav captured 2 VC (PAVN), indicated that 5-7 more were in area. 1330H, 2/7, mortar fire, results at this time. Frd: 3 KIA, 15 WIA, 4 MIA, 1450H, One pilot fm 227th AH Bn obs an area 10KM around coord ZA 1575 covered with anti-helo and punji stakes. 2/5 Cav located in area Columbus. - 15:55H: 1st Cav Capt Cook – Add to Wrap up – 1520H Arty fired effectively on VC vic YA 943043. Causes VC to break contact at this location. Question: Does this mean contact is broken or are they still in contact. Ans: Contact broken in that loc only, does not mean contact is broken. - 16:45H: G2 LNO Maj Boyle – There are MG’s at YA 743043 firing at A/C. Napalm requested, results unk. - 16:45H: FFV Maj Boyle – 2/7 Cav (-) plus A/1/5 Cav is in southern portion of Albany, has formed a perimeter and has been under SA fire since 17134 hrs till 1500 hrs. 1/9 Cav reported receiving heavy ground fire (AW) vic YA 835085 at 17330 hrs from est 20-24 VC, fire returned. Air strike requested, results unk. There are MG’s at YA 943043 firing at A/C. napalm requested, unk results. One element C/2/7 Cav is loc at 944044, no problems. 2/5 Cav, C/2/17 Arty, B/1/21 Arty and B/2/7 Cav are at Columbus. 1/7 Cav is on alert. B, D/1/5 Cav loc at YA 945073 moving to psn south of Albany to support 2/7 Cav. C/1/5 Cav, and A, C/1/21 Arty are at Falcon. - 17:35H: 1st Cav Lt Brown – Debrief for Arclite post analysis. TOT – 1330. 2000 ft altitude. Post strike analysis. Tgt 1 – 100%, coverage, large craters and trees blowdown, no bodies observed. Tgt 2 -100%, coverage. Tgt 3 – 75% due to irregular terrain, pilot remarks A/C rec’d AW fire vic YA 9101, YA 8995, helicopter no hit. - 18:55H: 1st Cav (Lt Temple) A & B 1/5 Cav receiving SA and Mortar fire. Unable to link up with 2/7 Cav at 171850. - 22:30H: 1st Cav (Lt Temple) 2200 SITREP: 1850 A & B of 1/5 rec’d SA & Mort fire and were unable to link up units. At 2050H 2/7 separated by 2000 meters fr 2 elem of 1/5, both 1/5 and 2/7 are broken down in smaller elem perimeter. 2/7 has two confirmed (encoded) 2 – KIA. There has been no contact with elem of the 66th and 101st PAVN Regts in the vic of Chu Pong since approx. 1703H. 2/7 and 1/5 moved out of LS Xray this morning and 2/7 began receiving AW & Mort fire fr 3 sides vic Albany at 1335H. White Phos. Arty fire generally broke up main position of VC atk. Fighting in 2/7 area has been sporadic sniper fire through close of ISUM period. 2 elem of 1/5 attempted to link up with 2/7, came under Mort & SA fire at approx. 1845H. At 2200 SITREP fr forward CP is that all is quiet as of 2200. Question: do you have any more info on Frdy Cas? Ans: The two in this rept are additional to what was report at wrap up this After. We do not yet have an official confirmed list for today. FFV has what we have at Rear CP. - 23:15H: II Corps (Capt Martin S. Force report at 1845 rec’d report fr Camp Plei Me that Camp rec’d 4 rds of Mortar Neg Cas. Nguyen Van Tin