Readers' Comments (3)
101. I served with G Company 75th Infantry (Ranger) attached to the Americal division from January of 1968 to September 1969. I will return to your brother's website when time permits and read of his life thoroughly. It's certainly belated, but let me express my sorrow for you and your family for his loss, and especially for the loss of your country to the communists, and for the suffering your people endured at their hands. (Michael Lazorchak).
102. Since I was able to read pages about General Hieu and since talking to you on the phone, the far away past rushed back into me with vividness. In our family, the main topic swirls around the epic life of a General, around a great family, around those old friends of a ancient time but who won't ever fade away.
I always knew that "tel pere tel fils" (like father, like son) to be true. When I was still attending Puginier school (Hanoi) I admired your father through my dad's observations on him. I remember the black color of his Vedette sedan he used to ride in, I remember the episode of him donning the national dress (long dress, turban) in disguise whenever he paid unannounced inspection visit
to Police precincts in North Vietnam. He was a honest, just and competent leader. I remember the night I spent with you at your home at 6 Jean Audel, Khanh Hoi. The times your father came to visit my dad in Phu Tho, in Baria, in the company of Mr. Le Tao who was at that time the Chief of Military Police (Gendarmerie). He talked intimately with my dad about life in general, about situation of the moment. I knew later that when the country collapsed he was imprisoned, I only wondered why he did not leave immediately then.
Since I so respected your father, I wasn't surprised when I learned about your brother's fame, thinking it's just simply the case of "like father, like son". The only time I met him was when he visited Phuoc Tuy. His demeanor was just like the way you described him and as people praised about him. Then when I learned about his death, I also suspected foul play, but I felt personally so small, so powerless, all I could do was to hold the sadness in my chest.
Once in Canada, I have written a lot of articles published in a few Army magazines, I was able only to pay general tribute to the ARVN soldiers, although while sitting at my desk, images of Hero Generals, among whom was General Hieu, did inspire me, but I did not have the opportunity to write more in depth about him, because of the lack of documentation and special qualification. In the coming months, with documents now in my possession, with my renewed contact with you, I will materialize my thoughts and feelings toward your brother in my future speeches and writings. (Nguyen Dinh Phuc, Richmond, Canada).
103. Yes, I really loved it. I am sorry I did not know this General personally. It sounds as if he was one of the best. I put your home page in my favorite places. I will be going back often. Sir, seeing those photos of Vietnam made me feel good. In one way I loved the people of Vietnam, but not the VC or NVA, they have hurt those people a lot. I want to go back, but not under NVA powers. I still call it SAIGON, not that other disgusting name. I still have the Vietnam flag just like 30 years ago. I go to Vietnam chat room a lot, just to be near the people whom I still love very dearly. I would still die for them like before. I am so sorry that we did not go back and stop the North from taking over the South. There was so many of us who had died for that to happen. (Glenn Scarborough)
104. Salute to General Nguyen Van Hieu
God saw you were getting tired.
and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around you.
and whispered "Come to Me."
Although we love you dearly.
We could not make you stay.
With tearful eyes we watched you
As you slowly passed away.
A Golden heart stopped beating.
Hard working hands at rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us.
He only takes the Best.
From someone who served in Vietnam, and after having read his history I have come to admire the man the General was...(Joe, Nam 66-67, Former AMVETS Alt, Delegate at the United Nations; Former Vice Commander AMVETS Post 101 Brooklyn, NY; Member, DAV, VFW, VVA, etc...).
105. I came, I saw, I liked it. I have put your link on my links page: http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/2032/links1.html.
I had the honor of being in charge of a C.A.C. Unit in June of 1966 attached to my Company D/1/3. I took Vietnamese R.F., and P.F. out on patrols, and ambushes in cooperation with our own companies night ambushes, and patrols. I have respect for those Vietnamese troops I dealt with. (Emmett Queen).
106. Thanks for the invite. One of the birds in my platoon flew Command and Control for the 9th ARVN Div. in the Delta region, out of Vinh Long, about an hour flight south of Saigon. I flew the mission a few times. This page brings back some good memories, and reminds me both countries lost a lot of good men for a good cause. (Claymore 20, door gunner on Out Law 29, 69-70).
107.Your site was added to the Military Network at http://www.military-network.com as site of interest to our visitors. You have an excellent and informative site. Thank you. (Robert [Gunny] Hiles, USMC [retired] 1955-1975, The Nam 67-68).
108. Thank you for sharing the very definitive information and circumstances surrounding the death of General Hieu. I'm amazed at the investigative effort that has been expended and the organization and detail contained in the report. I have forwarded the report to all friends with whom I served in the military service. As an Army Captain, helicopter pilot, I operated out of III Corps, frequently in support of ARVN units. To this day I continue to hold the loyal Vietnamese people in high regard. While we fought, and in some cases died, we never suffered the losses of the Vietnamese people. Thank you for sharing. With greatest respect and admiration. (Jared S. Nenstiel).
109. I have taken out time to read the story of General Nguyen Van Hieu. I was in IV Corps 1-70 to 12-71 in Vinh Long down in the delta. I was a helicopter crewchief/doorgunner. When I saw his picture on the home page I remembered him one time in Cambodia. I really didn't talk to him but the high ranking guy I was with said that if Vietnam had this man in control, we would be pushing the NVA back from where they came.
I was tired of working around a bunch of puppets whose strings were pulled so tight that they had to do what all the higher up wanted them to do and the mission was never number one. I met a lot of good ARVN's in my two years of getting the enemy to go back where he belong or die staying. Then there would always be these assholes that would stop it. I wished I could have met General Van Hieu just once just to have known one of the really fighting man. His story will now be told by me. (Claude Stevens).
110. Thank you for the invitation. Have sent it out to our POW-MIA and Agent Orange Victims & Families, =IN=TOUCH= mail lists. A touching page. (Joe Oliver, for Agent Orange Victims & Families, =IN=TOUCH=).
111. Thank you for your referral to your Brother's memorial site. It is a very moving site and one that does bring strong emotions to those of us who served alongside the Brave men like your brother in Vietnam. I was a young Army officer when I served in the Republic of Vietnam, from jul 1968-jul 1969. I served in the Central Highlands, Ban Me Thuot, Dak To, Kontum, and other places I can't even begin to spell. I wish you well in your endeavors to memorialize you brother and bring closure to this issue. (Ed Baldwin).
112. I have visited the page dedicated to General Nguyen Van Hieu. It's very well designed and well crafted. I was an officer serving at 3rd Corps, Bien Hoa and held high regards for General Hieu. When he came to the 3rd Corps, I was wounded and was treated at Tay Ninh Military Hospital. I was discharged from the army afterwards; but was astounded at the news of his death (a mysterious death the cause of which everybody knew). A few lines just to say hi. Hope you stay fit always. (Vu Uyen Giang, https://members.tripod.com/vuuyengiang).
113. Your brother is fortunate even today to have such a devoted brother. Your tribute to him is remarkably lovely. The photos are excellent and help us remember those days. Your brother was quite handsome! There is so much information on your site it will take me a while to read it all but I intend to do so. I have questions of my own, you know. (Mike Leap, Sgt USMC 64-67 RVN 65-66).
114. Thank you for your note this morning advising the 10.000th visitor to General Hieu's webpage. It was not so long ago that you wondered if people would visit !! Well, visit we did ! And people will continue to come by and learn about your brother, your family, and the times both now and then ... it is always my pleasure to see your brother's fine face. It is one of peace, courage and dignity. Again, may you and your family prosper during this year of The Cat. (Montgomery).
115. Thank you for sending me pictures and military exploits of General Nguyen Van Hieu... to prove the greatness and courage of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam ... I hope to contribute more together with you in the struggle to bring Freedom, Democracy and Prosperity for our entire people of Vietnam. (Nguyen Kien).
116. I have made it through a majority of your site, and right now with the "anniversary" I am having to live through due to my time in RVN, I am totally ah-struck. The honor and facts that, especially the detail to factual accuracies, is far beyond my ability to respond. My job duties and experiences in the RVN have caused me alot of guilt and shame personally. Partially because I could or wouldn't talk about the facts of corruption or moral deceit. I thank you for inviting me to your site and I have learned a lot from it both historically and personally. I apologize that I haven't search any of the other sites you offer, right now, I will as my will, will allow! Hope that wasn't too confusing. I again thank you. (Rick Salyer).
117. I did visit the site. God bless you on your efforts to pay tribute to a fine and honorable soldier in the personage of the general. I made copies of all info and would like to include some info on the general in my next book THE VIETNAM CHRONICLES- HEARTS OF VALOR.
My current book VIETNAM MILITARY LORE - LEGENDS, SHADOWS AND HEROES is still available. 53 chapters each one a biography of special people who died in Vietnam. Tells who places like the Brink Hotel, Saigon, Camp Holloway, Pleiku and so on were named for 175 places in all. It has gotten great reviews across the board. You can get one by mailing @50 plus $6 post and handling to Bows and Sons, 2055 Washington Street, Hanover, MA 02339. If not completely satisfied I give a money back refund. If you want more info just let me know your mailing address.
Again great website on your part. (Ray Bowes, MSG,USR, ret.).
118. It is too bad what happened to your brother. That is one problem I have had a hard time dealing with, is the fact that we made a lot of promises to the people of South Vietnam and then did not stand by those promises. I served in Vietnam on two separate occasions, 1961 and again in 67-68. We had promised to always be there and help instead we wasted a lot of live FOR WHAT!!! Keep plugging away and make them tell you exactly what happened. Good luck. (Gary Ploense).
119. Wow, it was a nice homepage Uncle Tin. I hope you will keep up with it and make us Vietnamese proud of our culture and our people. (Huy D. Tran).
120. Sincerest congratulations on reaching the impressive milestone of TEN THOUSAND VISITORS to your website, honoring the General. That truly is an impressive feat. We wish you continued success in the future. Semper Fi... (PUSHTRUCK, Brad).
121. I had the honor to know your Brother. He was a wonderful man, courageous as can attest to how his enemies could only resort to vile trickery to kill him. I served as the Personal Security officer for General Creighton ABRAMS. I can tell you he had great respect for your Brother and always spoke highly of his integrity, honor and valor...My dear friend we were all betrayed by forces of evil and now our two great countries are no longer what they were. But the memories of great men will live on forever. (Raymond E. D'Addario, CWO US Army, retired).
122. The U.S. Merchant Marine ran supply ships to our troops during the Vietnam war. Please take a look at this site and you will find on it under the United States Merchant Marine website link a listing of some 44 of our men who gave their lives for your freedom. Little is know about our branch of service even amongst the average American citizenry. You might want to link my site http://www.tenforward.com/bud/ onto yours, and if so please feel free to do so. Thank you. (Harold F. "BUD" Schmidt, Sr, a proud Merchant marine veteran of the WW II era.).
123. Thanks for the invitation. You have some awards I see. I have one question about websites...How did you get so many hits or is it just because you've been around since July 98. My Vietnamese site has been up for 2 1/2 months now and I have over 1400 hits. I get most of my traffic from the Vietnamese search engine at www.vncentral.com. I am their top rated site! Well anyway, thank you for inviting me to your site. I was deeply touched by the articles about your brother's life and death. I think the site is the best site dealing with Vietnam War. You are invited to my site anytime: http://come.to/vietnamweb. (Thanh Nguyen).
124. I have entered General Hieu's website several times, however since I don't have the Vietnamese software I only view the English version. I admire your tribute to Major General Nguyen Van Hieu who was perfect both in virtue and competency. Your precious documents allow me to add details on General Hieu in my book entitled "Quan Luc Viet Nam Cong Hoa Trong Con Bao Lua" (ARVN in Stormy Fire). Thank you for bringing out from the dark and sad past the figure of a glorious and yet lonely general of the ARVN. The more I read his life, his military exploits and his personal feelings, the more I admired his hard-working ethic, his integrity and his strategy skills. It's unfortunate that such a genius in strategy of the ARVN had not been put into full use. If all competent Generals of the ARVN were put into positions according to their competency and stature, who knows the history of Vietnam would have been written differently. With lines which would shine brighter. I would greatly appreciate if you can introduce my book to readers of your webpage. (Pham Phong Dinh).
125. I served with the U.S Marines in Quang Tri Province. It is time someone recognized the General for being an honorable and courageous man. (A Native American).
126. Hello Bac Tin. I personally find the articles about General Hieu extremely fascinating. I thought the page was very informative and very detail oriented so that the reader can almost picture the situation that is being described. It gave me an insight of another point of view of the Vietnam War. I love to learn more about history and especially Vietnam's history since I was very young when I left that country (I was 1 1/2 years old). I am grateful to my parents to have instill in us (my sisters and I) the values of culture and heritage, especially being able to read and write in Vietnamese. I feel sorry for those young people who lost this gift and assimilated too quickly in their adopted land. (Jessica Ly).
127. I had a look around your site about your brother. It's great and there's a lot of info. I read most of it and was impressed. I know you didn't ask for it, but I would still like to offer you my award of excellence. Your homepages are different. There are not too many pictures, but the novel way of navigation, the design and especially the information given is unique and very extensive. Yes, you have won my award. This award is very popular in the world, yet not easy to get, as there are very stringent requirements to get it.(Luuk Franken, Netherlands).
128. Some of those among us who have followed closely the series of articles on the web site entitled "General Hieu' Page", might have burst out this sentence: "There is no such thing as psychic pen phenomenon in this civilized era of the 21st century!" I was of the same opinion and I didn't and still don't believe in all these so called medium and superstition phenomena that I considered silly. At one time, I teased the author and said "I have to ask you to board me through the night in your home so that I could observe this psychic pen phenomenon." But then progressively the documents, the details and the facts presented in the webpage by the author caused me to make a connection with a psychological phenomenon called telepathy which allows one of the two persons related by blood, or a couple or two lovers strongly bonded to each other, to sense through intuition what is happening to the other person. Anybody among us surely has experienced this phenomenon to some extent.
I had the privilege to read the first draft that the author wrote around June 1998, with a very humble title "My Brother, General Hieu", I thought this was only one of those essays expressing what was stored in the memory. The style was very simple, some details presented were based on the author's memory. I deemed that anybody who has learned how to write could have been able to express facts that are stored in one's brain onto the paper. Honestly speaking, the author's style of that moment was quite similar to the one he used in his weekly newsletters that he composed for the Vietnamese students in the high school he is working at. The style was concise, so concise that it sound harsh, to the point that forced the readers to have to resort to guessing because oftentimes the subject of an action had been left out of the sentence.
But the following week, I was allowed to read the final copy of the article which the author intended to send to be published in Tien Phong magazine. "It's really excellent!" I began to be at awe. In such a short period of time, just a few days, the article had reached some degree of perfection that was able to captivate the attention of the reader in the narration of the mysterious death of General Hieu. I am convinced that only a student who is excellent in writing can organize his thoughts in such a manner that captivates the full attention of the readers. I wondered: "Is that possible that the author possesses a predisposed writing skill? Why does he only show it off now?" And I was thinking: "Maybe he is a late bloomer!!!"
Then time passed, two summer months went by. In the end of September, I was shocked to see a series of articles so rich and so compelling which appeared in General Hieu's Page. A wealth of information and documents. Where could they have possibly come from? A big question mark sparked in my head, "psychic pen"? It's very possible! Because, I thought, a writing skill which streamed out words with such ease could not be acquired in a span of one day and one night. This series of articles has stirred in me the nostalgia of a person who was forced to live far away of the motherland and incited me to seek out the reason that had destroyed the integrity of our Vietnamese Flag. Although I had witnessed the loss of our country when I was still a high school student, when I had not yet the chance to accomplish anything significant in life, I was still perplexed while I was trying to flee the country by boat. The enigma lingered on. This series of articles has provided me with a lot of details which allowed me to compare and verify some facts that I had heard regarding national heroes and generals of that period.
What's more surprising, was the fact that the style of the articles has gained in forcefulness (especially in "General As A Chessman In President Thieu's Chess Game") and the detailed proofs coupled with rare historical documents revealed the personal inner secret of General Hieu who seemed to want to expose the injustice of his death as well the glory of his military exploits to his children and to the next generation.
If one matches the first article "My Brother, General Hieu" with the articles which followed, one can easily notice that the first article was the outline that guided the series of the articles that appeared on the Internet. With factual details, with a clear and sharp style mixed with some humor ("Cover Up" article), this series of articles provided a meal composed of rich spiritual dishes to the Vietnamese as well as American readers all over the world. In hindsight, the articles were progressively produced within a preset frame, it seemed. It's so strange!!! Before the summer vacation, I did not hear the author mention that he intended to do some follow-up writing. On the contrary, I caught him utter a sigh of relief when he was able to finish writing his first article as if he was able to discharge a heavy load out of his chest. And look! After just a couple of months and so many facts were exposed all out.
Believe it or not, I think it's a psychic pen phenomenon. I have to admit one thing: General Hieu, who had died in such a mysterious way, without witnesses, without leaving a word of farewell to this relatives, has wanted to use his brother to tell his story and leave behind his name to the next generation, not only to those of us who had witnessed the loss of our country and had to leave to country in disarray, but also to the younger generation (as those bilingual articles would testify to that fact). It's really a great tribute of a historical proportion!
General Hieu, who had lived his life to the fullest, but unknown to everybody of his generation, now has used his brother to record his golden heart for the next generation to see. (Xuan Loc).
129. ARVN General Nguyen Van Hieu's Homepage is very labor intensive and contains a lot of interesting information. I sincerely thank you for introducing me to ARVN General Nguyen Van Hieu's Homepage. (Le Trong Nghia-Anthony).
130. As a United States Marine Corps officer who served in Vietnam, I feel this Web site pays beautiful tribute to an ARVN officer who served his country well. God bless him and grant him the peaceful rest he has earned. (Charles A. Cameron, Major, USMC-retired).
131. It is a nice webpage. I read it and it was a very noble page. I think it was well organized. (Katie Larson).
132. I visited your brother's site several times, and I have nothing but respect for the General. You can believe I'm not going to ignore a Major General of his stature and dignity.[...]Whole site is very effective, and your pictures of your waterfall and pond simply put the icing on the cake. Poignant, yet down to earth site. (Don Rast).
133. I have visited your website and have read the different new documents you had posted recently. I like them very much and admire your task in recording the beautiful historical lines of General Hieu that very few knew. In the future, I very much hope that all relatives and friends of those ARVN soldiers who had died would do the same very thing you are doing know. Which is to use one's pen to write lines of memories -- no matter what types of memories, be it of family or military career -- of those soldiers who had sacrificed their lives to the Army of Republic of Vietnam. I believe that until the day everyone of us, including me, knows how to use the pen to record the lines of memories of a father, a brother, or an aunt or sister who were one time soldiers, until then, we would not be afraid that their heroic acts would fall into oblivion for the coming generations.
Dear Tin, thank you for sharing plentifully memories of your family and memories of General Hieu's military career with millions of Vietnamese readers in the Internet, all over the world. May you always remain cheerful. And may our youngsters learn a lot about General Hieu so that they will be able to follow his glorious footsteps in marching with more confidence on the path of liberating the country off the Communist yoke, and of reconstructing and rebuilding our future beloved country of Vietnam.
General Hieu's website is very special. I hope that the Vietnamese overseas mass media will know about this address and come in to take a look at its rare documents. (Jen Nguyen, Vietnam War and History).
134. I have a brother with the same age difference, I think you and I are the same age, my brother would be about your brother's age, so I know what you mean when trying to remember things about your big brother.
I was up north in the DMZ for 13 months, places like Khe Sanh, Gio Linh, and we had fought in Hue City, 67/68. I was in many other places as well, mostly very remote places with names of LZ's. I was with 2Bn. 3rd Marines, 3rd Marine Division.
I will visit the site again, I read only half, the Biography. Nice site, I am sorry I did not have the good luck of knowing your brother. As time goes on, your brother will be a part of history, much like Gen. Robert E. Lee, Gen. Grant, from the U.S. civil war. So it is very important, the work you are doing, for your family and even more important, Viet Nam history. You may not live to see the rewards of your work, but a hundred years from now there will be Viet Nam civil war buff, in Viet Nam that will get a lot out of what you now write, may well be required reading in high schools, military college, also you will go down in history for writing what you have written about. (Paul Marquis).
135. If there is a heaven, nirvana, or higher plain of virtue, you will arrive there, Mr. Tin Van Nguyen. We all should be graced with a brother of your grace and character. This is a very moving memorial to your brother and a patriot. You can be just as proud of yourself as you are of him. (John M. Flager, USMC, RVN, 1969-1970).
136. Thanks for the web address on General Hieu. A good man who fought and died in the struggle for liberty in South Vietnam. I know of many U.S. Marines who meet that description. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy for the loss of your brother and your country. ("M" 3/5 USMC - Vietnam 66-68).
137. Your page brought back many many memories. I regret that your brother was also lost especially under such questionable circumstances. Too many things do not jive in the circumstances surrounding your brothers death. It does appear a cover-up. (Dave Uhley).
138. I was at your site a good part of the morning. As in all wars there is going to be plenty of accusations and name calling. That is the strangeness of war. I also went to the response section of your page and noticed that there are good opportunities for more truths to be uncovered. One for instance is Nicole. She is doing the side of the ARVN fighters who are not remembered at all by the US writers. She will be one that digs deep into the facts. Also there is a truth that you are now responsible for uncovering, and that is for your young people who are now of the age where they want to know the truth about a valiant people who never gave up, but were abandoned to fight against overwhelming odds. North VN did not fight alone. I served with the Marines air wing on ch 46's as a crew chief and I have pictures of some of the ARVN medevacs. I took out of direct combat. It's good to see your web page up but don't be disillusioned with the bad mouths out there. Please keep up the good work and long hours you have chosen to pursuit. (former Marine L/cpl. Gomez).
139. I am almost sure that it was General Hieu that awarded eight RVN medals to me in February 1970. One of the medals was the RVN Life Saving Medal for my action on January 20, 1970 when I saved the life of a little 8 year old South Vietnamese girl who had fell into the swollen river below Namo Bridge near Danang.
I think "Very Highly" of your website. General Hieu was a GREAT MAN and I know that he would be VERY PROUD of YOU. I am PROUD of YOU, your website, and the work that you are doing. Thank you for Remembering. (Loyde P. "Snake" Arender, USMC, Kilo Company, 3rd Bn, 26th Reg, 9th Brg, 1st Div).
140. Your honor and respect of those that served and died for the freedom of many is undeniable, and recognized. I have seen many of the Tripod web sites and am impressed with only yours. I hope to see more of the same, the honor and memories that you have done to bring truth to the stories and redemption of the efforts of so many to the suffering that occurs in War. By what ever God you follow I pray that you and your's are blessed. Thank You for allowing me to be a part of this and my best wishes on this end of another day of memorial. (Rick Salyer).
141. I have begun to read your story of your brother and I am impressed. He does sound like a Warrior to me. It matters not what war these warriors fight, as long as they distinguish themselves as true warriors, which what your brother truly is. I only wish I could have been or at least had a brother as him. P.S. You write well. (Manuel A. Madrazo, USMC 1971-1975).
142. While serving with the Vietnamese Marine Corps as an advisor (covan) in 1972-73, I had the pleasure of meeting General Le Nguyen Khang and General Bui The Lan. Both gentlemen were excellent leaders and well respected by the American Marines that served with them. (Richard Helm).
143. An excellent tribute to an excellent General...(Jim Mazy, 2nd Ban, 4th Marines, Chu-Lai, Vietnam 1965-66).
144. I was very touched and impressed while reading documents written by Tin regarding the life and military career of General Hieu, a General competent, excellent, honest, virtuous. I have printed them and put them into a book for my wife to read, including the pictures. It's really a pain-taking effort and of great value, what Tin had produced. I have also passed on the URL address of this website to my wife's relatives so they will have the opportunity to read it. (Cung Hong Vu).
145. I was able to view the website over the weekend and found it to be most interesting. It is well done and very informative and shows quite a bit of work. I will include it on our link page when it is created. (Dr. Ron Frankum, Archivist, Vietnam Center, Texas Tech University).
146. Very impressive homepage...as well as credentials of your relative...the General...Very sincere testimonial and reflections...I did not serve in the II Corps area...was with 3rd Marine Amphib Force I Corps in the Danang/Hue/PhuBai and Chu Lai areas...during 65-66. (Steve Daly).
147. I am very impressed with your website. It's attractively designed, filled with interesting information, poignant, and of great value in documenting information related to the war. It is a powerful addition to the body of information on Vietnam and the war available to students on the Web. Also, it is particularly important, I think, to have the Vietnamese point of view presented--there is entirely too much weight given in the body of information to the U.S. point of view. Keep up the good work. (Sandy Wittman, Vietnam: Yesterday and Today).
148. You did such a great job. I was really taken. I didn't read the whole thing yet but I will take the time to do so. I also like the links, because this makes it easier to learn about Vietnam. I was really impressed. (Mercedes).
149. Thank you so much for your beautiful website. I have saved it in my "Favorites" directory for further study. Once again, thank you, and may Almighty God bless you, your family, and our beloved people. Long Live Vietnam! (Mr. Vietnam).
150. We found your web page a valuable piece of history of the last years of South Vietnam. (Viet Zen).
Section 1: 001 - 050.
Section 2: 051 - 100.
Section 4: 151 - 200.
Section 5: 201 - 250.
Section 6: 251 - 300.
Section 7: 301 - 350.
Section 8: 351 - 400.
Section 9: 401 - 450.
Section 10: 451 - 500.
Section 11: 501 - 550.
Table Of Contents