![]() Translation of VC Document (see map on Pleime Ambush)
Prepared at Regimental Headquarters/Plei-Luc-Chin At 1500 hours, 12 Oct. 1965, Pleiku, Plei The (YA 815 008) Map: scale 1/100000 made in 1962 1. After the initial attack on Pleime the GVN will likely send a relief column. The relief column will probably be composed of one ARVN Battle Group and one Armored Battle Group from the 24th STZ. There will probably be one or two US battalions in reserve. The relief forces could come by air or by road, which ever is the most suitable. They could arrive at the battle area in one or two days. Their battle formation could operate up to one kilometer from the road. They could have the infantry and armor elements interposed with each other; as an example an Armor element leading with the infantry 500m to one kilometer behind. After the ARVN elements are ambushed they will pull back to the O-Gri area to regroup. ARVN forces behind the ambushed element will probably move to the area of Po Post (20-14), O-Gri (22-18) and Klan (26-22). 2. In order to defeat the ARVN forces and those American forces engaged, all general activities must be coordinated throughout the battle area. To widen the liberation zone and develop guerrilla movement, the Field Front Headquarters orders the 32d Regiment (minus 7th Company, 966th Battalion) with two anti-aircraft companies, to destroy the ARVN infantry and armor units moving on Provincial Road 21 (TN. Provincial Route 5) from Phu My (AR750 275) to Pleime (ZA150 065). 3. The 33d Regiment has the mission of attacking and encircling Pleime thus causing the enemy to send a relief force which will be destroyed by the 32d Regiment. 4. Based on the missions outlined above the 32d Regiment has the following missions: 5. The 635th Battalion, with one machinegun platoon from the regimental machinegun company and with two 57mm recoilless rifles and two 90mm Rocket launchers (B.40) from the 966th Battalion will deploy on the west side of Hill 538 and Hill Siu (18-14-9); and has the following mission: 6. The 334th Battalion with one platoon of the regimental machinegun company, one platoon of the regimental 75mm recoilless rifle company, the regimental mortar company and one 90mm rocket launcher (B.40) from the 966th Battalion will deploy on the west side and the south west side of the hill at coordinates 20-16-7 and has the following missions: 7. The 966th Battalion (minus the 7th Company) with the 2d Anti-Aircraft Company will deploy at Hill 530 and has the following missions: 8. 1st Anti-Aircraft Company will deploy on the west side of the Ia Drang River. Mission is to shoot down enemy aircraft and protect the 334th Battalion during its operations. 9. The Regimental Anti-Aircraft Company will deploy on the South side of Hill Siu. Mission is to shoot down enemy aircraft and protect the 635th Battalion and Regimental Headquarters. 10. The regimental 75mm recoilless rifle company (minus one platoon) is the reserve unit for attacking tanks of the enemy armored regiment. The company must first seize Siu village and then destroy enemy tanks on the north side of Hill 536. After the infantry has assaulted enemy elements on the road, the 75mm recoilless rifle company will withdraw and be in reserve for destroying tanks. 11. The Regimental Engineer Company has the following missions: 12. Regimental Headquarters will be located on the west side of Hill Siu. 13. Time of completion and preparation of operation. 14. Report time. 15. Report by direct means. Regimental Commander: To Dinh Khan Field Grade Political Officer: Nguyen Chuc Chief of Staff (paper torn off at this point)