09/1969 to 04/1975 | Prime Minister/Defense Minister.
1969 to 09/1969 | Deputy Prime Minister
05/1968 to 1969 | Interior Minister.
10/1965 to 05/1968 | Emmbassador to Taiwan.
10/1964 to 10/1965 | Emmbassador to the United States.
07/1964 | Promoted to General.
01/1964 to 09/1964 | Defense Minister/Chairman of Joint General Staff.
12/1963 to 01/1964 | III Corps Commander.
11/1963 | Promoted to Lieutenant General.
12/1962 | Promoted to Major General.
12/1962 to 11/1963 | Inter-Arms Chief of General of Staff.
02/1960 to 12/1962 | 21st Infantry Division.
1958 to 02/1960 | 4th Field Division Commander.
1957 to 1958 | Attended High Command and General Staff in USA.
08/1957 | Colonel, Chief of Joint General Staff.
07/1954 | Captain then Major, Deputy Chief of General Staff/Logistics, JGT.
07/1948 | 1st Lieutenant, South Vietnam Militia Guards.
1946 to 1947 | Aspirant, NCO School of Vien Dong (Dap Da)